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Johannes Przybilla

Games | Design | Robotics


株式会社MOLCURE – HAIVE, Oculus, myCobot & ROS

Currently I am employed as a software engineer at Molcure's robotics department. During my time here I have been filling out multiple responsibilities.

From system design, to user interface development, embedded programming, simulation and virtual reality development, I have also had the chance to lead small teams during project sprints.

3D Printed Social Robot – MAKI

During my time as a research assistant at the RWTH University Chair Individual and Technology, I worked as part of an industrial project on a 3D printable robot called MAKI. We used the open source materials by Hello Robo to print the robot in-house.

Another part of my job was the development of firmware and higher level user software for robot control.

Soft Robotic Pneumatic Gripper

In late 2018 I had the opportunity to take part in the Media Computing Project of the Human-Computer-Interaction chair of my university. My team ended up creating a soft robotic pneumatic gripper, based on the PneuNets Bending Actuator.


MetaPo: A Robotic Meta Portal for Interspace Communication

In cooperation with the Nagoya University Kawaguchi Lab, I have been working on the robotics platform MetaPo, which allows interspace communication between virtual and real places.

I have been responsible for the implementation of the VR telepresence application for this platform. We presented our work at the SIGGRAPH 2022 as part of the poster session.


VR Experience for exhibiton purposes of Molcure's HAIVE system. Created for Oculus Quest 2 using Unity and Blender.

Off-Axis Projection – ParallaxView

A small side project, where I implemented off-axis projection correction using eye-tracking. This uses a facial landmark detector included in the dlib library.


3D Game From Scratch (2023)

A Star Wars themed 3D shoot'em up created from scratch using C++, SDL and OpenGL.

ChatGPT Shenanigans (2022)

During the Christmas holidays I had some time to play around with ChatGPT. This is what came out of my shenanigans.

Bubble Shooter Prototype (2019)

2048 inspired mobile game prototype developed in Unity.

Mahjong Prototype (2019)

Prototype Mahjong mobile game developed in Unity.

2D Brawler Prototype (2019)

Prototype collision and AI system for a 2D brawler developed in Unity.


Web Development - SPA

During my time at Molcure I had the chance to develop SPA prototypes, utilizing technologies like React, ThreeJS, Docker and AWS. The backend was a simple webserver written in Go implementing tokenized authentication based on the OAuth protocol.

Webclient Webservice


Creating powerful user applications in our robotics context at Molcure is a must. For that we like to utilize the capabilities of the Qt framework.

COVID-19 Data Analysis


During the first phase of the COVID-19 pandemic (Jan~Mar '20), there was not any easily accessible information on case numbers. At that time I created a small script that accessed the public API of the WHO and downloaded the daily reports, to plot my own case number graphs.

SmallGL - Graphics Engine


After learning the basics of 3D rendering and OpenGL at university, I got myself into WebGL. I started to write my own small engine, with no clear goal in mind, except trying to build something from what I have learned. The result can be viewed in the form of code or as a demo.